Andreas Welin
Born in Sønderborg, Denmark
Lives & works in Copenhagen
Welin is an internationally renowned artist using the streets as his medium. He grew up in Sønderborg Denmark where he started painting murals on permissioned walls around town. Quickly he gained experience In mastering the spray. This made it possible for him to attend several graffiti and streetart festivals such as Roskilde festival. From here he gained more know how about different styles and techniques by seeing many local and international artists work. This network of artists also gave him the opportunity to travel and work in other countries. Welin spend a lot of time painting in New York and Melbourne but he also made shorter visits to other cities such as Amsterdam, Toronto, Glasgow, London and many more.
Welins style usually comes out figurative. Educating him self in classical drawing at Tegneskolen Kbh gave him strong foundation in construction, form and lighting.
2020- Teaching at tegneskole KBH
2016-2017 Tegneskole KBH
2013-2014 BGK Sønderborg
2010-2013 Stx Sønderborg Statsskole
Exhibitions & Festivals
2018 - Evolution wall (by Skensved Creative)
2012 - 2018 Roskilde Festival Graffiti
2018 - Meeting of styles London
2018 - Balstrøm Welin exhibition Galleri Grisk
2015 - 2018 Meeting of styles Cph
2017 - Wall to wall festival Benalla (AUS)
2017 - Street art today museum Amsterdam
2017 - Århus Streetart festival (Galleri Grisk)
2016 - Århus Art convention
2015 - Jersy Fresh jam (USA)
2019 - Indigenous hip hop - blackstone western Australia
2019 - Als kollegiet Wall painting
2018 - Indigenous hip hop proje mural in Coonamble
2018 - Lassox office at politikken, decoration.
2017 - Danfoss Universe virtual reality arena, decoration.
2017 - Spejdernes lejer Sønderborg, mural
2017 - Skørping tunnel, decoration.
2016 - Torvehallen Sønderborg
2016 - Herlev hospital (by Lars Pedersen)
2015 - Discotheque Gazzværket decoration
2015 - European bartender school New York, mural.
2015 - 2018 Meeting of styles Cph